Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Idea

I'm working on a new idea for a Christmas "book"............when I get it completed, I'll have to post a few pictures of this journey.  It's going to take me a little while to put it together but I think in the end, it'll be something to cherish and pass down through the generations.  Wow - that sounds ominous and grandiose, but I'd like to think that my children and future grandchildren, etc. will appreciate the contents.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Yesterday, I went to a great class at Memory Bound Scrapbook store in Ankeny, Iowa.  Jill Peer taught a class on a Creative Christmas Journal.  Her binding technique has me thinking of other journals to come up with and make from scratch.  When I get some made, I'll post photos.  Go the the Memory Bound website to find a calendar of their classes and check out their blog for great updates and photos of projects and crafty ideas for the holidays!  Enjoy.